Friday, March 2, 2012

Galapagos of the North: St. Paul Island, Alaska

Please join Darke County Parks as we welcome Jim McCormac to the Nature Center on Thursday, March 15th at 7:00 pm. Jim works for the Ohio Division of Wildlife, specializing in non-game wildlife diversity issues, especially birds. St. Paul Island, located in the middle of the frigid Bering Sea, further west than Hawaii, is a birder’s paradise, but the average tourist might find it a wretched place. The cold, mist, fog, and wind is a small price to pay in order to witness myriad seabirds nesting on jagged cliffs, bellowing Northern Fur Seals, “blue” Arctic Foxes, and gorgeous, hardy wildflowers. Jim visited St. Paul in 2010, and saw firsthand many of the island’s natural wonders. He documented the expedition photographically, and will present a lushly illustrated trip around the island in this presentation. He is author of Birds of Ohio (Lone Pine 2004); The Great Lakes Nature Guide (Lone Pine 2009); and Wild Ohio: The Best of Our Natural Heritage (Kent State University Press 2009).

This program is FREE, but pre-registration is required. Please call the Nature Center at 937.548.0165 to pre-register or visit our website at for more information.

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