Monday, November 12, 2012

Volunteer and Lead with Experience

Some of the Darke County volunteers at a recent RSVP recognition event.

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is a national referral service program designed to place volunteers aged 55+ in non-profit organizations where their knowledge, experience and skills positively impact the community and the individuals they serve. Our RSVP program here in Darke County at the Council on Rural Services has been working with older citizens now since 1974 – we have lots of partners that need volunteers.

The name may say SENIOR in it, but we are especially looking for all the newly or partially retired Baby Boomers that want to keep a busy lifestyle and be involved in their communities. Retiring is great; but after a while sitting in front of a TV - it can get old.

Volunteering allows you to give back to the community and feel good. Volunteering helps you think less about yourself and any aches and pains, and concentrate more on the meaningful opportunities out there to do good in addition to how it benefits you too. Volunteering can help you stay young, be involved, maintain physical and mental health, and even add years to your life.

America and your community needs you now more than ever. Volunteers are essential and make a difference in non-profit organizations. In this difficult economy and the devastating budget cuts in the last few years volunteers are so precious to non-profits and they help fill the voids so many of the local organizations have to deal with today.

YOU have priceless experience and talent; just imagine how many people could get jobs if more seniors volunteered to teach others what they have learned, or how many children could be tutored and helped to move forward with their education.

Seize your opportunities – even if you only have a few extra hours a week, we can find that volunteer position that is a fit for you. You can tutor children, assist as a receptionist, stock in a food pantry, volunteer on a non-profit board, visit the sick or elderly, advocate for a child, serve snacks, help recycle, work at a park or museum, write grants, or even lead other volunteers, We have volunteer sites that NEED your talents.

If you live in Darke, Miami, Shelby or Logan County and are 55+ years of age, this program could be just right for you. We can also make referrals for younger adults. Call the local Darke County recruiter, Cheryl Stafford today at 937-548-8002 or email her at and talk with her about all the opportunities.

For more information about the programs of Council on Rural Services … programs for innovative learning, check the Web site at

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