This is the eighth installment of a series featuring Darke County Park District’s twelve park areas. The mission of the Darke County Parks is to acquire and preserve land areas possessing special natural and historical features and to manage and maintain these resources for the benefit of its residents through appropriate educational and passive recreational programs and activities. The Park District was created in 1972 when the honorable Judge Williams ordered the formation of the Park District. The Park District is now comprised of over 1,000 acres.
Located just outside of Ansonia on State Route 47, Winterrowd Wetlands is a diverse, 60-acre preserve and a model of wetland conservation. A maintained foot trail will lead visitors through the managed prairie to a wildlife observation blind overlooking the wetland. Preservation of wetlands is critical due to the diverse wildlife habitat they provide and valuable water quality and flood control benefits. This wetland preserve was acquired through a Nature Conservancy bequest, with enhancements funded by a Sam’s Club sponsored Clean Air – Clean Water Grant. Migrating water fowl, the songs of wetland creatures and blooming prairie wildflowers are all part of what makes a visit to Winterrowd an experience to be treasured.
All of the Darke County Parks are open sunrise to sunset. For more information on Winterrowd Wetlands or any Darke County Parks, call the Park Office at 937.548.0165 or visit our website at