Darke County Parks is pleased to announce the most recent partnerships that were created during our Prairie Days Festival. All of these partnerships are very rewarding and appreciated by the Park District in so many ways.
With the public parking across 502 and being shuttled to Shawnee Prairie Preserve for the Prairie Days Festival, we were in need of a couple more enthusiastic volunteers to help make this possible. Parks Volunteer Coordinator, Laura Schwieterman contacted several non-profit organizations/groups that work closely with the Park District to see if they would be willing to give a helping hand. After making a couple phone calls and the Parks Maintenance, Nathan Epperly, hosting a parking training, the following groups did an amazing job! The Park District would like to give a big thanks to the Darke County American Red Cross, Versailles EMS, Greenville Township Fire Department, Treaty City Amateur Radio, Midwest Draft Horse & Mule Association and Park Volunteers Connie & Ken Shilt and Doug Bickley. Each one of the groups/ individuals listed above covered a 2-3 hour shift parking vehicles for our Prairie Days Festival.
Thank you to the following businesses for providing food for the volunteers who assisted with parking the vehicles. Donations were received from North Star Pak-A-Sak -Subway Sandwiches, Hot Rod and Harleys- Chips, and Janet’s Bakery – Cookies. Again thank you so much for your willingness to donate towards our Festival. We hope everyone will be willing to help again for our 2014 Prairie Days Festival.