Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Friends of the Cardinal Center formed, group to meet October 8

On September 17, a meeting was held at Oakland Church of the Brethren to explore the possibility of creating a nonprofit organization to support The Cardinal Center (formerly Gettysburg School) project in Gettysburg. The decision was made to move forward and form the group as a corporation with the name, Friends of The Cardinal Center. The following officers were also elected: Doug Sutton, president, Jeff Unger, vice president; Esther Clark, treasurer; and Diana Spitler, secretary. Elected to the executive board were Jana Deeter, Elois Hatfield, Terry Miller, and Sherry Miller.

The group also discussed the immediate need of the heating system for the center and heard a report about a similar successful project in the Village of Harrod, OH.

The Friends of the Cardinal Center will meet again on Tuesday, October 8 at 7PM in Room 114 at The Cardinal Center. The main topic of business will be to approve the organization’s bylaws. The meeting is open to all with an interest in the project.

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