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I met David Madden about a year ago. We met through mutual friends as we started a small group, (Bible study if you will) led by Mike (Mayor) & Kim Bowers. We have been great friends ever since. David was very active in the efforts to promote voting for this community by voting for new schools. He has a deep passion for this community, for our schools, and our children’s education. David has two children in this school system, one in eighth grade and one in second. So for the immediate future, and the long term, David has children that, once voted onto school board, his decisions would directly affect. David wants them both to succeed, but at the very core, he believes in that their education is of what is most crucial as they continue to grow.
David is a man who stands on his own two feet. I fully believe that he will make decisions for the best of our schools, for the best of our children, and for the best of our community. David is a family man who likes to joke around and have fun with family and friends, but when it comes down to business and matters that have potential impact, he employs complete focus.
David is also very active with his family and children. He’s involved in both children’s lives and when presented the opportunity to be even more active in the school setting, he jumps on it. His activeness during the campaign to support strong community by voting for strong schools was relentless. He’s been part of several different facets throughout his children’s schools, and recently we both joined the first team put together under the Watchdog Program that dedicates time within the schools to be active with children throughout the day and be a male role model, which many children are lacking in their lives.
Dave has a significant background in dealing with Ohio Schools Facility Construction that would be invaluable to the School Board! There are many reasons why I believe David Madden SHOULD be our vote for one of the three open seats on school board, but this is the icing on the cake. His track record of project management and leadership skills can only help protect our community investment. We need someone who has direct knowledge of budgets, structural implementations, and someone who knows this business inside and out. David Madden will ALWAYS make decisions that are best for our children’s future, but also what is best for this community! His vision for the Greenville District moving forward is second to none with regards to seeing the success of all of our children. It is for these reasons I encourage everyone to vote Madden for the City of Greenville Board of Education on November 5th, a vote for Madden is a vote for our children, our schools and our community.
Nick and Shanna Good