Monday, October 21, 2013

TOWN HALL Community Wide - Mon., Oct. 28 - EUM 1451 Sater St. - 7-9 pm

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Ohio is fast becoming the dumping ground for the disposal of toxic/radioactive waste from accelerated horizontal hydro-fracturing. In 2012, alone, Ohio disposed of 14 million barrels of this waste, which came from Pennsylvania, West Virginia and as far away as Texas. As plans are underway to permit more fracking wells not only in Ohio but in neighboring states close to our western border, there is a growing need for more Class II waste disposal wells (Class I wells were designed for hazardous/toxic waste not class II wells). While western Ohio does not have the black shale that contains the oil and gas deposits, it does have the Mt. Simon Sandstone, which geologists and scientists have determined as ideal for the disposal of this waste. The Mt. Simon Sandstone formation runs beneath two major aquifers in this part of Ohio.

From earthquakes (Youngstown) and water contamination with 596 known carcenogins (see Gasland I & II), to laws that take away the constitutional rights of the people to protect themselves, the documented and well-publicized problems involving toxic/radioactive waste from fracking well site leaks from rusty welds, cracking cement well casements, and unmonitored pads continue to grow. As a result, the Western Ohio Fracking Awareness Coalition (WOFAC) asks you to become informed and ask questions by attending a most informative Town Hall with outstanding speakers, that will share information that every citizen needs to know about on October 28 from 7-9 pm, at EUM church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331.

Along with leaking, carcenogenic waste, injection well sites, it is your right to know about Home Rule and zoning restrictions, which municipalities and townships once had and have lost. Not only have municipalities and townships lost the right to prohibit injection wells within their vicinities once they are permitted by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, but they can no longer depend on some of the environmental laws that once protected them, but with all of our voices, this will change.

Click on the attachment below and plan to attend. This is our State, let's learn how to protect it. Friends, neighbors, and your families are welcome. For more important information as a precursor to our Community Town Hall on October 28 at 7-9 pm, EUM Church, at 1451 Sater Street & Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, OH 45331 visit for more information. Prepare to be shocked at what is happening to water, air, soil because of fracking....I most certainly was!

Seating is limited so plan to arrive early and please pass this info on to your loved ones!
p.s. We have some signs out in visible places. If you would like one to help spread the grassroots word for a $7 donation, or be a sign pick up place, please let me know and I will get one to you. Thank you for helping us to keep our wonderful community safe and healthy for generations to come.

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