Sunday, November 3, 2013


DCCA continues Coffee House Series with Doug Hamilton
and his trio Wing Walker Thursday, November 14 at the Coffee Pot.
Darke County Center for the Arts will present violinist Doug Hamilton with his trio WingWalker at The Coffee Pot in downtown Greenville on Thursday, November 14. The third of DCCA's Coffeehouse Series presentations, the show begins at 7 p.m.

According to DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins, the eclectic fiddler has been called a musical chameleon because of his ability to feel at home in most genres. “Doug is classically trained, but enjoys improvisation and excels at playing folk, blues, and jazz,” Rawlins stated. “The newly formed trio is a long-time dream for Doug; he is really excited about working with guitarist Michael Kalter and bass player Noah Cope, excellent musicians who can play anything, and pretty much will do just that at the Coffeehouse concert,” Rawlins said.

DCCA's Coffeehouse Series provides high quality artists performing in casual social settings where food and drink are available for purchase. Easy interaction between musicians and audience adds to the intimate atmosphere of DCCA's Coffeehouse Series, and has become a trademark component of the shows. DCCA's Coffeehouse concerts are sponsored by Julie and Tom Graber, Eileen and Steve Litchfield, and Rodney Oda. Additionally, the Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. DCCA also receives operating support from the Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial as well as funding from the Ketrow Foundation, Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund.

Tickets for the concert by Doug Hamilton's WingWalker Trio at The Coffee Pot are $10, and may be reserved by contacting DCCA online at or by calling 937-547-0908. If any remain by showtime, tickets will also be sold at the door.

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