Sunday, November 3, 2013

Vote for Madden & Gettinger - A Guest Post from Jan Teaford

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As election day quickly approaches, I am writing in support of David Madden and Brad Gettinger for Greenville School Board.

David Madden, is an engineer and works for a firm that deals with building schools, his expertise is greatly needed as we move into the build and renovate phase to upgrade our schools. Brad Gettinger works with Informational technology at Midmark, a skill set that is crucial for our children now, and in the future.

I had the pleasure of getting to know Dave and Brad during the Greenville Strong Campaign and was grateful to have their support and help with the campaign. Both these young men have demonstrated leadership, believe in community partnerships, and are focused on making the right decisions for our students. Additionally, they are dedicated parents and strong family men. Each has expressed a clear, thoughtful, and comprehensive vision for Greenville Schools.In addition, David Madden and Brad Gettinger have demonstrated the temperament and level of professionalism that will be an asset to the Board.

They articulated a strong commitment to improving educational outcomes for Greenville’s students, better communications with stakeholders and they stand for fiscal accountability and responsibility. I am truly grateful for all their efforts and lucky to live in a community with such extraordinary individuals willing to serve our community.I endorse these candidates because they have the knowledge, ability, and passion to run our City’s schools and make decisions on complex issues.

Your vote always makes a difference, but even more so at the local level, where school board decisions directly impact how your taxes are spent to educate the children of our community. Since we are about to elect a majority of the Board for the next 4 years, I urge you to vote for Madden and Gettinger for the Greenville School Board.

Jan Teaford

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