Monday, November 11, 2013

Randy Brown…His Civil War Ancestor Jesse Hyer

Jesse Hyer
The Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society will present a program by Randy Brown and his Civil War ancestor this Thursday, November 14 at 7pm. Program will be held at the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society located at 123 W. George St. in Arcanum. The public is invited to hear Randy speak and share about his ancestor's involvement and the re-tracing of his steps this summer through the Civil War grounds.

Randy has been a history lover all his life. His love for the history of the Civil War is from a personal level. His great-grandfather on his mother's (Phyllis Hyer Brown) side was a soldier in the Ohio 110th infantry regiment. Jesse Hyer was wounded in the Second Battle of Winchester in June of 1863, and returned to the front only a few weeks from the end of the war. The family has over 190 personal letters written to him by family, and soldiers during his three years in the war.

"My interest in the Civil War" is very narrow, since I really spend my time on Jesse's journeys,"

A member of Witnessing History in Lexington, Ky., Brown has toured a number of battle grounds, and recently this summer toured three battlefields in north-central Virginia.

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