Friday, December 6, 2013

Edison’s Registered Nursing Program Offers More Flexibility

The Nursing and Health Sciences Division at Edison Community College has recently announced a revised application process for the Registered Nursing program.

The change allows students to apply during two application periods during the calendar year (formerly there was only one), providing a greater time span during which students may apply. Now, at almost any given time, a student expressing interest in the program will have a more immediate opportunity to apply.

This change also decreases the amount of time applicants wait between notice of acceptance into the program and enrollment in the first course. Though the timetable has changed for the application process, the requirements to apply to the program remain the same.

The new application periods, effective immediately are:

  • September 1–January 31 each year for fall admission
  • March 1–July 31 each year for spring admission

The application for the nursing program and all transcripts must be on file in Records and Registration by the last day of the application period to be considered. Students not selected but still interested in starting with the next class will need to reapply (no fee).

Upon completing a registered nursing degree at Edison, graduates of the program have the option to transfer seamlessly to obtain a bachelor of science in nursing. To aid students in making this decision an RN to BSN Information Fair was held at the Emerson Center on Friday, November 22, 2013 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event was held to provide information to current Edison nursing students and practicing nurses in the community.

Representatives from nine area universities were available to share information about their completion programs and to guide interested nurses toward their next steps for enrollment. This event gave prospective students the ability to obtain information about many programs in one visit. The faculty and administration at Edison work collaboratively with all of the represented universities to provide for a smooth pathway to the BSN degree.

For further information regarding the nursing programs offered at Edison, visit

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