Friday, December 6, 2013

GHS Engineering Program Presents Skills for the Future

By Ethan Clark
Senior Class Reporter at Greenville High School

GREENVILLE, OH – The Engineering program at Greenville Senior High School already has presented interesting learning experiences this year and has much more in store for its members. The class of 2014 just finished up metrology with their final exam recently. Students acquired skills in methods of measurement, using tools such a micrometer, vernier caliper, depth mic, and many more. The class received college credit through labs and test from Edison Community College.

The seniors are currently working on their Senior Capstone Projects. The students are nearing the completion of 12 years of education. Combining their knowledge and skills, students are to develop the idea of a “green” energy source. The students are expected to develop a product or process of some kind, displaying their knowledge and research. Projects being displayed include a water vortex, a hydro- electric dam, a solar hydro-electric RC car, and the gasifier. Students are also expected to provide a lengthy research paper and portfolio. A formal presentation is then given to a panel composed of teachers, community leaders and peers.

The program stays busy and often ventures beyond campus. Future field trips are set to include the local YMCA for a safety inspection, as well as the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. Students also pack a bus full and head north to the Detroit Auto Show later in the school year. A community service project is also in the works for both seniors and juniors.

For more information about the Engineering program, contact instructor Chris Sykes at Greenville High School.

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