Monday, December 2, 2013

“Food For Fines”

Join with FISH and the Greenville Public Library during “Food for Fines” December 2nd through the 16th. Patrons can receive $1 in current Library fines waived in exchange for donating one food item. These items must be canned or nonperishable: peanut butter; canned chicken or tuna; canned vegetables, fruit, or soups; cereal, pasta, rice; boxed side dishes or mac & cheese; granola bars or snacks; and spaghetti sauce.

Just bring your donated items to the Circulation Desk in boxes or plastic bags – and don't forget your Library card! “Food for Fines” does not include Library fees for lost or damaged materials. Glass containers, open packages, or expired food cannot be accepted.

Kristy Cutarelli visited the Library to explain the need for food in Darke County. FISH has been active since the early 1970's and continues to see an increase in households they serve.

New households are up 9% with over age 65 up 6% since last year. The number stands at 2386 even before the holidays.

In 2009 FISH partnered with EUM Church to open the FISH Choice Pantry at 400 Markwith Street. Even though FISH still makes home deliveries, the number became impossible to do – thus the Pantry opened. Being able to come to the Pantry gives people ownership and a chance to make their own choices.

The Pantry is open three times a week with different hours: Monday from 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 a.m.; Friday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Besides nonperishable foods from donations, the Pantry also carries fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and baked goods as part of the “Feeding America” program. Kristy explained that nothing is ever wasted and that everything is given out.

Kristy has stories of people who were donors to FISH falling on hard times and needing its services – and of those who once used the service but are now doing well and donate in return. “The community is so generous,” Kristy stated. “I can't believe what people in this county do for their friends and neighbors.” FISH and the Pantry are run by volunteers.

Kristy is seen with Librarians Deb Cameron and Stephanie St. Myer – who remind everyone you are welcome to drop off food donations even if you have no Library fines!

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