Thursday, December 5, 2013

Help Me Grow Promotes Well Being of Children

Help Me Grow promotes the well-being of young children through home based specialized services with an emphasis on early intervention and prevention. Empowering parents with knowledge along with their commitment to pregnant moms, newborns, and toddlers gives babies the best possible start in life. Recent development in research shows that babies brains grow at very fast rates and the first three years of life are very important to get babies off to a good start.

The Help Me Grow Program has many different aspects.

There is a Home Visiting Program for pregnant or first time parents who are interested in home visits. The prenatal visits are performed by Registered Nurses or Social Workers who bring appropriate information on what to expect during the pregnancy, performs a maternal assessment at each visit and answers questions. If the child is already born the visits focus on tracking development, setting goals for the child, resolving concerns by making appropriate referrals, or simply getting the family information they need. These visits help the families deal with needs and concerns. These visits are free to anyone within the county that is a first time pregnant mom or a first time parent with a child under 3 years of age. A referral must be made to this program prior to the time the child is 6 months old.

There is a Newborn Home Visiting Program. The home visits for this program are provided by a registered nurse. The visit includes a maternal health check, a newborn health check (including weighing the baby), an opportunity for questions, and an information packet which includes multiple resources available throughout the county. These visits are performed within the first few weeks of a newborns life and are free to anyone in the county.

There is an Early Intervention Program if a parent, family member, or doctor is concerned about a child’s development they can call the Help Me Grow Program and get a free developmental screening to make sure their child is on track. If the child is behind in an area of development they may qualify for early intervention services. These services can include speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or early intervention specialist home visits. These services are free regardless of income.

Developmental Milestones to Note are:

Birth to 6 months: Smiles; Looks at faces; Listens to voices or noises; Lifts head when on tummy; Follows moving objects with eyes; Holds a rattle or a toy; Babbles or coos; Rolls over; Pulls to sitting holding someone’s fingers.

6 months to 1 year: Sits alone; Says “Mama” or “Dada”; Crawls; Claps Hands; Recognizes familiar words; Copies speech sounds; Pulls self-up to stand; Uses fingers to eat some foods: Understands “No.”
1 year to 2 years: Walks alone; Puts 2-3 words together; Feeds self with a spoon: Stacks 2 or more blocks; Scribbles on paper: Runs and jumps; Turns pages in a book; Shows wants by gesturing; Follows simple directs such as “Bring your shoes.”

2-3 years: Walks alone; Balances on one foot; Begins to use the toilet; Points to 3-5 pictures in a book; Asks a lot of questions; Jumps with both feet; Expresses feelings; Climbs stairs; Copies circles and lines; Understands in, on, and out.

Who can make a referral to Help Me Grow? ANYONE can, parents, caregivers, doctors, nurses, etc. Call the Help Me Grow line at (937) 547-9392 if interested in services, concerned about your child’s development, or simply have questions. To be eligible the child must be under the age of 3 and a Darke County resident. Help Me Grow is accepting referrals and appointments for newborn visits, developmental screenings, and the home visiting program.

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