Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Versailles Area Historical Society News

Last Mondays of the Month
The Versailles Area Historical Society invites all our senior friends to the museum on Monday January 27th at 1:00 p.m. for our first monthly “Last Mondays of the Month” activities.

We will kick off our New Year with Dick Coffield who will help us play Area Trivia & Alice Huffman will have some old pictures for us to attempt to identify. Also a delicious dessert and coffee will be served.

These get to gethers will always be held on the last Monday of the month and will have a program and refreshments.

If the schools are closed for bad weather our gathering will also be canceled. Plan to join us for a fun afternoon at the museum! The only cost is a donation to cover the cost of the snacks.
Check us out on Facebook!

The Versailles Museum to Reopen
On Sunday February 2nd the Museum at Versailles will reopen for it’s regular Sunday Hours of 1-4 with the premier of several new displays. The Music Plays On: A Tribute to the DeMange Family Band will take up residency in the North Gallery. This will be a look back at one of the areas most popular family bands. Also our newly redone 1900 Kitchen will be open for your inspection, just like Grandma’s looked!

Also new collections of antique toys as well as native American artifacts will be on display. We will also begin a salute to six current buisness who have been in Versailles for over 100 years.

So make plans to join your friends at the Museum on Sundays beginning again in February! If we are on a Level 3 the museum will be closed.

Museum Needs Your Help
We will also be hosting a salute to six current buisness who have been in Versailles for over 100 years! The Snyder/Ward Hotel or Inn at Versailles, Edwin F. Nickol Monument Co. the Worch Lumber Company, The Versailles Savings and Loan, The Versailles Policy, and the Versailles Feed Mill all have been apart of the Versailles community for over 100 years. To help us celebrate we are collecting items from these buisness for display. If you have pictures or items to include, please call the museum at 526-4222 and someone will call you back. Don’t wait, we are on a time crunch here. We are looking forward to celebrating and hope you can help!

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