There are two or three things our enemies could do that would wipe us out without any blood being shed by anyone.
I am not sure that George W. Bush or Barack Obama are made aware of how vulnerable we as a people are. If they are they certainly missed the chance to make sure our nation survived either one of these attacks.
Who dropped a pill in the water supplies and made it deadly poison? Drinking water is so precious now that the next war America will get involved in will be over clean drinking water. Our Great Lakes is the largest potential water supply in the world and we do not seem to be alarmed at terrorists who could poison it for everyone. If we are aware, then I wonder how many such terrorists have been arrested and carted off the prison?
The other bigger problem with our country is that this nation depends entirely on electricity for everything. If you flip the switch off in the average house in America, the people who live there would end up in a public shelter the same day. Modern homes do not work without electricity and I am sure the government does not want you to even think about that.
I know that my family sinks into a depression while waiting on the electric company to restore power to our house. It would bother me that I would not be able to breathe because my cannula is hooked to an oxygen concentrator for oxygen to breathe. Or, in an emergency, I do have bottles of oxygen that I can use but each bottle only lasts a few hours and then it becomes useless and has to be replaced with a full bottle.
If you are old, like me, then you have lived through some hard times where houses did not have electric in them. So, when dark came outside it was dark inside until somebody lit a candle or a kerosene lamp. And those things would last for a while but not forever and we would be in trouble if the electric did not come back online.
I remember mother complained about turning on the kitchen light when it was still light enough in the house to go from one room to the next without stubbing toes on furniture. She didn’t mind if it was turned on long enough to find or get something but the naked bulb in the ceiling fixture had to be turned off. She was adamant about turning lights off when nobody was really using the light.
We used to get a yellow, post card size bill, from DP&L and mom was unhappy when the amount due was for more than she had figured it should be. But we had no telephone and had to accept the bill as a factual thing and pay it. We just didn’t complain about what we used even if we didn’t think we had used that much.