Monday, February 3, 2014

Darke County Parks Winter Speaker (TONIGHT!)

Darke County Parks is hosting a Winter Speaker Series! These programs will occur indoors. During the second program of the series, Birds (& Tigers) of India, you will travel to India to see a variety of birds, marvel at the Taj Mahal and maybe even have a close encounter with a Bengal Tiger, all from the comforts of the Nature Center! Join Parks’ Volunteer, Dr. Margaret Hensel on Monday, February 3rd at 6:30pm as she recounts her 2013 travels. This PowerPoint presentation will delight the yes with a multitude of photographs and the mind with amazing stories of the experience. Dr. Hensel has traveled the world in search of new and exciting birds, visiting all 7 continents in the process. With a Life List of over 3,800 species of birds, there is never a dull moment as she recalls her adventures.

This program is FREE. Call the Nature Center to register at 937.548.0165. For more information on all of the programs offered by your Darke County Parks, visit our website at

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