Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Family Health Offers Assistance with the Health Insurance Marketplace

Family Health is pleased to offer assistance with the new expanded Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act Insurance Marketplace. This is free one on one assistance with a certified application counselor. Our CAC’s are here to assist you with questions and concerns, completing applications, and enrolling in the plans.

There are currently three insurance providers through the Marketplace, offered for Darke County residents, Healthspan, Anthem, and Medical Mutual. When you are signing up on your own, please be careful selecting a health plan. Make sure your health care providers are taking that specific insurance plan from the Marketplace. If your providers are at Wayne Hospital or Family Health, the only insurance currently contracted is Medical Mutual. We have been in contact with Healthspan, and Anthem to set up arrangements, however they are trying to keep their networks smaller.

The deadline of March 31st is approaching fast. If you have not signed up for a qualified health plan by this deadline you could be subject to a penalty. The penalties for the uninsured in 2014 is $95 for adults, $47.50 for a child and $285 for a family or 1% of the family’s income, whichever is greater. In 2015, the penalty increases to $325 for adults, $162.50 for a child and $975 for a family or 2% of the family’s income, whichever is greater.

We know that this is a large change and many people will have a lot of questions and need help with the application. You can schedule an appointment with one of our Certified Application Counselor’s by visiting Family Health’s website, or calling 937-548-9680.

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