Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Looking for Tutoring Volunteers – We need YOU to make a difference

When you share your talents and experience with students you are helping their future. RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) is looking for self starters who are age 55 and older and like to work with children and youth.

There is such a need for leaders of homework help groups and one-on-one tutoring. We have volunter opportunities at two area schools, Gateway Youth Programs, and ACES (Achievement Center for Educational Success); volunteers will be trained to give homework help and schedule tutoring sessions with students.

If you live in Darke County and want to help students succeed, this program could be just right for you. It’s easy to get started, just call Ahbygale Mangen, the RSVP Coordinator for Darke County at (937) 548-8002 ext 213, amangen@councilonruralservices.org or stop by Council On Rural Services, 116 East Third Street, Greenville.

For more information about the programs of Council on Rural Services … programs for innovative learning, check the Web site at www.councilonruralservices.org.

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