Come to the beginning of the celebration of the 10 year anniversary of the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society. On Thursday, March 13th at 7:00 at the Historical Society building in Arcanum, the society will begin a year of celebrating their 10th anniversary with a panel of founding members, Keith and Carolyn Furlong, Bill Gunder, JoAnne Hill, and Fred and Carolyn Troutwine sharing details of the planning of the new organization, the purchasing of the 1894 “house” which is now the home to the historical society and the renewing and refurbishing of building that was once a hotel. Guests on the panel will be Glynn Marsh and Sue Cummings of the Randolph Township Historical Society. Glynn and Sue were very helpful to the young society during that organizational period. The public is invited to attend this important beginning of the year-long celebration for the anniversary of the historical society.
The society strives to preserve the past to tell the story of the people, town and community and educate the future generations of that heritage. Numerous books telling the history are continuously available on sale at the Historical Building include: The Secret Town – The Story of the Founding of Arcanum, Ohio; Arcanum, Ohio Business History (1852-1968); Arcanum Chronicles –( Opera House, Sports, Parade & Celebrations, Brig. Gen. Ed Sigerfoos, Grassville Quartette, Christmas, Chautauqua, Fast Horses, District 7 Ithaca School); Arcanum Chronicles Volume 2 – (Fire Department and Arcanum Public Library). To purchase any of these books contact: Barbara Deis @ 678-7832, Bill Gunder @692-8000, any Board Member or the society’s website.
The Historical Society maintains various activities and projects throughout the year, Euchre Parties on the first and third Friday of each month at 1:00 p.m. (open to the public), open house for public touring, educational tours for school children, Old Fashion Days activities, Farmers’ Market, aluminum can recycling and much, much more.
For more society history, events, Southern Darke County History, and available membership, check the website at