Thursday, November 27, 2014

Kroger Donates Snack Packs to United Way

The Board of Directors and Staff at the Darke County United Way would like to thank the Kroger associates for donating 100 snack pack bags with nutritious food to United Way for children in need. United Way gave these fun snack bags filled with fruit, granola bars, and pudding cups to their partner agency Grace Resurrection Community Center. The GRCC used these donations for their Back Pack program helping hungry children throughout the county. The Back Pack program is a program at the local school districts in Darke County, which provides food to chronically hungry children over the weekend, between school weeks. For more information about the Back Pack Program or GRCC please contact Ann Ditmer, Back Pack coordinator, or Sharon Fellers, executive director at 548-2595. Thank you to Kroger and their staff for this generous donation.

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