Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Westward Migration of the Lenape

Join the Darke County Parks on Thursday, February 26th at 6:30pm as historical interpreter Tom Franklin discusses the westward migration of the Lenape. The Lenni Lenapes were original people of the mid-Atlantic area. Most Lenape Indians were driven out of their homeland by the British and relocated to Oklahoma, where the modern Delaware Indian tribes are located today. Other Lenape people joined the Nanticoke or Munsee Delawares. There are also some small Lenape communities remaining in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The total Lenape population is around 16,000. Lenni Lenape translates as Men of Men, The Grandfathers, The Ancient Ones. What was their life style? How were they forced westward? These questions and more will be answered during this fascinating historical interpretive evening program at the Nature Center at Shawnee Prairie Preserve (4267 State Route 502 West). Pre-registration is required. Please call the Nature Center to register at 937.548.0165. For more information on all of the upcoming programs offered by the Darke County Parks, please visit our website at

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