Monday, April 27, 2015

GHS - Career Tech Center News by Jon McGreevey

Greenville High School Career-Technical Center is focused on preparing students for college, further skills training, or the workforce. Greenville Career Tech programs provide students with an opportunity to gain and improve skills in communication, problem solving, citizenship, and leadership skills in a professional environment. Small class sizes allow teachers to get to know students and help them plan for their future career. GCTC programs allow students to get connected with business and industry leaders through field trips, job shadowing, and early job placement. Greenville CTC students have the opportunity to network, grow and enrich the skills they learn in the classroom and lab by participating in program-related clubs and organizations. A majority of GCTC programs will provide students with a chance to earn college credits while still in high school, and to earn money for college through the Tech Prep Scholarship. Many of our career-tech students benefit from project based learning, where students design, research, and build a career-focused project as well as academic integration, where traditional academic classes such as English, math, and science are focused on the student’s career tech program.

Next year, Greenville Career Tech Center will be introducing a new state of the art Manufacturing lab. This lab will prepare students and adults in areas like robotics, electrical, fluid power, automation, and CNC. This opportunity was made possible through an OFCC grant. Greenville CTC partnered with Wright State University to obtain the $500, 000 dollar grant from the state of Ohio and worked closely with Marc Saluk and Dr. Lisa Wendel of the Darke County Economic Development Office.

Career Tech will also be expanding to the Junior High next year, where students will be able to take classes as 7th graders in Information Technology and as 8th Graders in Business Foundations. Information technology will focus on internet safety, safety using social medial, keyboarding skills, and Microsoft skills. Business Foundations will focus on an introduction to marketing, finance, and business administrative services. They will acquire knowledge of business processes, economics, employability skills, leadership, communications and personal financial literacy.

Greenville students can take advantage of high-quality and innovative career-technical programming in their own back yard. The Greenville Career-Technical Center is focused on being a workforce and economic development source for the Greater Greenville community.

To view highlights of the Greenville CTC programs and students, please visit

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