Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Principal Thanks Good Samaritan for Kindness and Generosity

The following was sent to us by Vernon Rosenbeck, Principal of St. Mary's School regarding a Good Samaritan's kind act during last week's National Day of Prayer Service in Greenville.

Good Samaritan,

Do you believe in miracles? I do and I believe the students at St. Mary’s School had a miracle happen to them at the end of the prayer service held in front of the City Building on Thurs. May 7th. Many of our students were overcome by the heat so a young man asked one of our teachers if we needed water. She replied “yes” and the man came back with 2 cases of water. I don’t know who the gentleman was but thank you very much. I am sure you will be blessed by God in a special way.

Vernon Rosenbeck
St. Mary’s School

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