Monday, May 18, 2015

State of the Heart Hospice Volunteer Receives Outstanding Senior Citizen Award

Pictured, left to right, Terri Crandall, Lindsey Gehret, representing Rest Haven in Greenville, Pauline Faller, Roberta Warner, and Mindy Stebbins, Director of Business Development, State of the Heart.
Roberta Warner, a State of the Heart Hospice volunteer for the past 33 years, was honored recently by the Area Agency on Aging at a special luncheon at Romer’s Catering in Greenville honoring senior citizens for their volunteer efforts. The Outstanding Senior Citizen Award, given annually since 1975, was presented in conjunction with the Senior Citizens Day in Darke County.

“I have always wanted to do things for others, not for any need for rewards,” said Warner, 83, who was unaware of the honor until she heard her name announced. “God gave me my instincts for volunteering. We are here on this earth to help others. Jesus helped others and this is a continuation of that helping philosophy,” she said. She was nominated for the award by fellow Hospice volunteer, Terri Crandall. Pauline Faller, Volunteer Manager for State of the Heart, attended the award ceremony with Roberta.

“I learn from Roberta every day that I work with her,” stated Faller. “I attempted to total the hours she has given us over the years and it was too difficult to do.” She added, “I did recall some comments she has written over the years.” In 1982, she wrote, “I enjoy the volunteering that I do. I just hope I can do more when I have more time. I hope I can continue to do all I can at hospice as it gives me a good feeling doing what I do.” In another note, she stated: “I enjoy being a volunteer. I learn from my patients that I visit. State of the Heart is a special organization where people care about others.” Faller concluded by saying, “Congratulations Roberta and thank you for all you do for our agency.”

The Area Agency on Aging is an independent, private, non-profit corporation that plans and funds services for older persons. District 2 in Ohio includes Champaign, Clark, Darke, Green, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby counties. It is one of twelve Area Agencies on Aging in Ohio and part of a national aging service network. AAA sponsored this year’s Darke County Outstanding Senior Citizen Award jointly with the Darke County Council on Agency. Each county had their own recognition event.

State of the Heart Hospice, with offices in Greenville, Coldwater and Portland, cares for patients and families in eastern Indiana and western Ohio who are confronting a life limiting illness. Roberta joined the agency one year after it was started and has also served as a board member.

While volunteers can choose what they want to do for the nonprofit agency, Roberta has preferred sitting with patients and visiting with them. Faller said that this is always a need for the agency. Volunteer orientations are held at the various office locations throughout the year. For more information contact Faller at 1-800-417-7535. Visit the agency web site at

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