Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Artwork by former Arcanum residents Christopher Madden and Marilee Pallant will be on display at historic Bear's Mill beginning Friday, July 24 when both artists are eagerly anticipating greeting old friends and acquaintances during a reception from 5 until 9 p.m. in the Mill's Clark Gallery. The exhibit title, “Illuminations,” directly derives from Pallant's description of her luminous paintings. “Illumination can be defined as radiance, enlightenment, insight, revelation; the brilliant work produced by these two artists who retain deep connections to our community aptly demonstrates each of those exciting qualities, and much more,” said Marti Goetz, Executive Director of Friends of Bear's Mill. The reception offering appetizers and beverages is free and open to the public. The artists will speak briefly about their work, methods, and inspiration at 7 p.m.

Christopher Madden, an internationally known engraver and artist, graduated from Arcanum High School in 1981; he is currently the Lead Banknote Picture Engraver for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. Much of his engraving work can be found in your wallet, as Chris literally makes money in his day job. However, his figurative paintings are also collected internationally; he is a resident artist at the Griffin Art Center in Frederick, Maryland, where he paints and teaches painting, drawing, and printmaking. “Painting has always been my passion,” the artist explains. “What I find most valuable in painting is the way the process completely centers me and brings a peace and focus that touches my humanity in a profound manner,” Chris stated.
Chris Madden will be offering Plein Air painting pointers on Saturday, July 25, 2015 beginning at 10:00 a.m. for artists wishing to participate in an outdoor painting experience at the Bear’s Mill. Registration information can be found on the Bear’s Mill website:

A teacher who is remembered as inspiring and beloved, Marilee Pallant taught creative writing and language arts at Arcanum in the 1970's and 1980's, influencing many students who credit her with fulfilling success in later life. Pallant, who moved on to teach at Tipp City and currently lives in Tennessee, says that she wants to “tell memorable stories with color from tubes and words from an old typewriter.” Influenced by Emily Carr and Georgia O'Keeffe, the artist was inspired by her discovery of encaustic paints where light filled the page. Or, as described in her own words: “And the colors sang in blue-water ways as a loon appeared on a frozen lake and later made night calls in hushed shadows.”

Funding for this exhibit was granted to Marcus York by Darke County Endowment for the Arts. York, an Arcanum graduate who credits Ms. Pallant's influence for the success he has achieved in the arts as an actor, not only wanted to display the artistic achievements of his former mentor but also showcase the work of his friend Christopher Madden for the benefit of the community. “Illuminations” will be on display at the Mill through August 16.

“Water Effects,” a display of photographs by Maury Wyckoff featuring water along with driftwood sculptures created by Blair Brubaker, will remain on exhibit in the Clark Gallery at Bear's Mill through July 12. Art exhibits are on view at the Clark Gallery during regular Mill store hours, 11 a.m. till 5 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, and 1 p.m. till 5 p.m. Sundays. Historic Bear's Mill is owned and operated by Friends of Bear's Mill, a non-profit organization, and is located at 6450 Arcanum-Bear's Mill Road about 5 miles east of Greenville. For more information, contact Bear's Mill at 937-548-5112 or

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