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I voted for and today support President Trump even more than when I cast that vote.
Because, when President Trump says “promises made, promises kept” he isn’t lying. The promises he has kept during his short term in office have made me wonder if some of the other Presidents were even really trying! He has a wonderful ability to do things other presidents have only talked about. Our economy is booming under his leadership. But there is even more to do to help American industry that fits perfectly with President Trump’s “America First” policy outlook.
The Montreal Protocol is an agreement created under another great Republican president, Ronald Reagan. The Kigali Amendment is a proposed addition to the Montreal Protocol which would benefit both the environment and the economy. This amendment would increase the manufacturing exports of the USA by $5 billion dollars, while reducing imports by $7 billion.
Math like that sounds like a great plan to me! Approving the Kigali Amendment would create 33,000 manufacturing jobs, especially in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration industry (or HVACR).
The Ohio Manufacturing Association recently published a report stating its manufacturing sector ranked third in the nation in 2016 and accounts for 17% of GDP. Ohio is a strong manufacturing state and we should embrace policies such as Kigali to continue our state’s success and continue to promote economic recovery. Approving Kigali would create even more jobs and boost our economy further.
When I stated the Kigali Amendment would benefit both the environment and the economy - please know that while the Kigali Amendment is an environmental policy in nature, at its core it is a statement about trade and our economy. Keeping in step with President Trump’s “America First” platform, Kigali evens the playing field and puts American workers first and foremost.
For this amendment to be added to the Montreal Protocol, President Trump must send it to the Senate for consideration. There has already been a group of 13 Senators who have sent a letter to the President, urging him to submit the amendment for advice and consent. Not surprisingly, Senators on both sides of the aisle understand the importance of the HVACR industry for our country and want this amendment ratified as soon as possible.
One of the bigger reasons President Trump is so popular among Republicans is he knows the middle class has been getting economically squeezed and, based upon his performance to date, we believe him when he says he's going to take a hard look at trade deals harming American workers and that middle class.
Promises made, promises kept. President Trump has done some amazing things for our economy and sending the Kigali Amendment to the Senate for consideration would continue to keep his promise to protect the American worker and boost the economy. You may help by contacting your Ohio Senators and ask them to support the Kigali Amendment.
Lyn Bliss
Greenville, Ohio
Past President of the Ohio Federation of Republican Women
Lifelong Republican Activist